Magickal Life Festival 

29th Feb – 10th March 2020

Shakti Temple – Arambol Beach Goa

The Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy, are super excited to announce the Magickal Life Festival 2020!

Are you feeling like your life is not the one you are supposed to be living? Is your work starting to feel like a waste of your time? Are you stressed, depressed, or suffering from anxiety or panic?

Do you dream of escaping to the sunshine and discovering a new way of life? One where you can feel free to be the person you really want to be?

The life where you wake up every day excited for what is to come, where you live what you love every day, and you don’t need to do a boring job you hate simply to pay your bills?

What if we tell you this life is possible to achieve, and that it is possible for every person on Earth to live this life? You included!

The aim of this Magickal Life Festival is to ensure that at the end of the 12 days, every Being who joins us is with clear vision of their true-life purpose. With sight of the Being they are born to Be. And that following the festival, those who are ready to take the leap are supported in whichever ways they need to be able to move to make their vision a reality here on Earth now

This festival is for those of you who are ready to embrace radical change. Those of you who are ready to take responsibility for your life, and to be with sight of the knowledge that we all write our own life story. We are all directors of our own movie

You CAN change your life and make it exactly how you dream it to be. We are here to shine light on your path to figuring out who you REALLY are, and to support you whilst you go through the transformation

Just like a caterpillar entering their cocoon – who would ever guess they would emerge as such a beautiful butterfly!?

Now it is YOUR turn!

According to Tantra, only 1 % of the population of the Earth is truly happy. Because to be happy you must know what you want, you must achieve it, and you must live to appreciate what you have achieved

Many Humans fail at the first hurdle because they have no idea how to identify what is it that they truly want. What their true purpose here on Earth really is

The Magickal Life Festival is designed to offer you time away from your usual habitat to turn inward and discover who you truly are, and what it is that you must become with memory of in order to achieve real happiness. The kind of joyful happiness which may only be brewed from within yourself when you know yourself and can simply Be yourself

By blending ancient Tantric Knowledge and Wisdom with newly emerging technologies, we offer an intensive interactive festival experience:

Become the Being you are Born to Be

Live the Magickal Life You Love

Rest with Equilibrium

We invite you to join us on the beach in beautiful Goa from the 29th Feb – 10th March 2020 as we celebrate the shift to the New Paradigm with the left-handed Tantric Path and the right-handed Yogic path melting together, rising in magickal love, and resting as one with shanti equilibrium 

Our festival will resemble what is known in Western culture as a ‘retreat’. We will be a small, intimate group of around 18-20 Souls gathered in community

Expect to remember to stop expecting anything except the unexpected as we hold space and light the way for a Magickal journey into yourself

Our team of experienced facilitators will shine light to guide you along the Path of Ease towards the Siddhi of Being (knowing yourself so that you might Be yourself), offering you pleasurable and practical methods of raising and maintaining your vibration  

We invite you to receive transmissions and interactive workshops delivered by some of Earth’s most luminous conscious minds as we follow a carefully curated program containing Human life hacks for experiencing expanded states of Cosmic Consciousness, combined with much love and community to support you through this deeply transformational time

We are also pleased to offer ongoing support following the festival whilst you ground and actualise your Human life purpose

Transmissions, Workshops and Ceremonies Including:

  • 1-1 Bodywork and Soul Guidance Sessions
  • Sharing / Singing and Wisdom Circles
  • Become the Being you are Born to Be
  • Energy Follows Intention. Set Your Intention and Enter the Flow
  • Illuminating the Shift in Consciousness on Earth
  • Human Life Hacks for Raising and Maintaining your Vibration and Achieving Expanded states of Cosmic Consciousness
  • Secret to Being Happy – How to Determine What you Want, Achieve it, and Live to Enjoy what you have Achieved
  • Open Yourself to Give, Receive and Live in Joyful Abundance
  • Tantra Magick
  • Tantric Japa Mantra Experiments
  • Mantra
  • Tantric and Yogic Philosophy
  • Tantric and Vipassana Meditation
  • Tantric Conscious Touch Massage
  • Kriya / Pranayama / Hatha / Tantra / Partner Yoga
  • Theta Healing
  • Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection
  • Conscious Communication
  • Plant-Based Nutrition
  • Tai Chi & Qigong
  • Sacred Sound Healing
  • Sacred Cacao Ceremonies
  • Shamanic Breathwork
  • Trance and Hypnosis for overwriting redundant programming
  • Ecstatic Dance

We are blessed to be situated on beautiful Arambol beach in a yoga shala with sea facing views

We are pleased to offer a team of experienced Magickal healers on hand to assist and support you on a 1-1 basis as required

Please join us for 12 wonderful days of delicious Plant-Based Nutrition, Knowledge and Wisdom, Love, Hugs, Laughter, Tears (of Joy!), Joy, Bliss, Oneness, Community, Exploration and Awakening as we work together to co-create Heaven right here now on Earth

Energy Exchange

At the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy, we are committed to ensuring that our courses are open to all who are ready to receive 

This course is intensive and as such numbers are limited to a maximum of 14 Receivers to ensure all experience the necessary individual attention

We are blessed to be with 3 Lead Co-Facilitators for this Festival, supported by a whole host of guest Facilitators who are Leaders in their fields joining us for the celebration! Please see the Meet our Facilitators page for info on MLA Transmitters and Facilitators

We are a not for profit community and are with vision of the time when everyone who wishes to do so may join us with no regard for the cost. During this transitional time, we are reliant on donations to be able to produce this festival. We suggest a donation of 799 Euro per person to cover the cost of the hire of the venue, 11 nights’ accommodation, all food, drinks, materials, publicity, other expenses and costs for the Transmitters / Facilitators / Musicians etc

This suggested donation will cover everything you need during the 12 days (excluding transport to and from the venue which may be arranged at an additional charge should you require), as well as ongoing support from the MLA team in the period following the festival as you integrate your experiences and begin work with grounding your life vision or purpose

We ask for an intention deposit of 400 Euro at time of booking to demonstrate your commitment to attending the 12 day course in full, with the balance of 399 Euro payable by 29th Jan 2020

Those of you who are blessed to live in financial abundance, we invite you to consider offering in excess of the minimum donation to allow for more of those who do not to join us (courses of a similar duration and calibre often retail in excess of 1500 Euro)

Those of you who are experiencing financial hardship please set your intention to join us and send the request to the Universe for 799 Euros to be with you for this purpose. Then open yourself in readiness to receive (often in the most unexpected of ways!) 

If financial assistance is still required, then please contact us to apply for a financial commitment reduction or waiver. We will accommodate you – Love always finds a way!

Please note: All donations received go towards the running of the Academy for this and other transmissions, courses, and events, as well as for website maintenance and publicity purposes

We are actively seeking donors (Abundance Angels) and Angel Investors to widen the audience we reach with our transmissions. If you feel you know of someone who would be interested in donating to, or investing in the Academy, please direct them to our DONATE OR INVEST NOW PAGE


The Magickal Life Festival offers a fully inclusive delicious plant-based meal plan including breakfast shakes, lunch and dinner, as well as caffeine-free herbal teas, healthy drinks and water. Special dietary requirements may be catered for – please notify us of anything we need to be aware of at time of booking

Accommodation is offered as standard in basic non-A/C accommodation at Shakti Tample and the close surrounds. The rooms are offered on a single occupancy basis so you will have your own room. They are not luxurious but have everything you need. If you require a more luxury stay / AC etc then please let us know and this may be arranged for an extra charge

About Arambol

Arambol is a beautiful Bohemian seaside village located in North Goa, approximately 1.5 hours from the closest airport Dabolim (GOI). A high-vibrational mecca for Yogis, Tantriks, Musicians, Artists, Healers, backpackers and Souls who wander but are not lost, our beach is considered one of the most beautiful in Goa

The weather in March will be a (practically) guaranteed 28-32 degrees Celsius every day with brilliant blue skies and the only clothes you will need to pack will be your swimwear and a few light pieces of clothing!

Shakti Temple is located with sea views and you will be able to take a dip in the beautiful ocean during any of our breaktimes from the main festival program, and enjoy the sunset from our sea facing yoga shala

We are super excited to welcome you all here on your journey of awakening here in paradise

Love and light

Lead Facilitators

Silver Lotus




Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy,  London, U.K

Call Us

Whatsapp (+44) 7939 944049