
Transmitters and Facilitators

Dr. Hanuman

Dr. Hanuman is an International Yoga Facilitator, Breathploration Mentor, and a Co-Founder of the Magickal Life Academy

After a career doing research in particle physics, Dr. Hanuman left academia in 2019 to explore the world through the prism of consciousness, with the intention of supporting others in their growth.

At that time they had already followed a first Yoga teacher training in India in 2017 and a Winter Expedition with Wim Hof in Poland in 2019 and were already sharing their knowledge with their local community.

After traveling to India mainly by land, they spent the whole pandemic there, deepening their knowledge and exploring practices from different traditions: Yoga, breathwork, Tantra, Buddhism, modern psychology, sacred medicine work…

During that time, they also co-founded the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy through which they organized consciousness festivals and shared online and offline classes and workshops about Yoga, breathing, meditation and cold exposure, transforming through these the lives of hundreds of people around the world.

The fruit of their exploration is a combination of many styles into their own blend, offering the most transformational experience possible, always in a light, pleasant and non-judgemental way.

Today Dr. Hanuman is an international Yoga facilitator and transformational breath mentor. They devote their energy to supporting especially queer people to let go of anxiety and handle their emotions and organise self-exploration retreats for participants to connect with all the parts of themselves that have been silenced for too long.

Their vision is to develop what they call breath-play (instead of breathwork) which is based on bringing playfulness and flexibility into the practice rather than force and willpower.

In practice they invite the breathers to play with their breath, to be creative with the way they breathe, to always find new chambers to breathe into inside their body, and maybe most importantly to enjoy the journey! They also design breathing journeys during which the breather follows a guided story, a play that the breather can act as an actor, which allows for a better non-identification with the story. People are invited to play it fully, to give the (imaginary) audience a stunning performance full of feelings and emotions.They also offers mental health coaching to support especially LGBTQ+ people to get better and find hope, peace & joy, which includes breathing journeys amongst many other things.
Visit the website  https://www.fourseasonsyoga.org/


Susan is a Magickal Helper and Consciousness Explorer

She is also a Soul Coach, Sacred Cacao Journey Guide and Facilitator of Sacred Sound Healing, Theta Healing, Deep Trance Meditation Light Therapy, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection
Susan registered as a general nurse in 2001 and after practicing in a variety of settings she specialised in HIV care for 15 years. During this time, she was blessed to travel to many countries, living in local communities teaching and practicing nursing
As a result, she has remembered many lessons from different cultures, human behaviours, different belief systems, and the relationship between health, illness and the Body and the Mind

Susan explains that nursing is a very humbling and intimate experience involving interacting with people during very vulnerable times in their lives. One of the biggest lessons she received during her nursing career was that Unconditional Love, Kindness and Compassion are truly powerful healers of the Body, Mind and Spirit.
In 2010 she began to experience multiple spontaneous out of body episodes which irrevocably changed her perspective on reality and Consciousness. This led her to explore the phenomenon further through lucid dreaming, out of body travel, shamanic journeying, plant medicines, meditation and sound and light brain entrainment
In the past few years, she has been sharing her experience and tools of transformation and offering coaching to inspire others on their journey of Truth and Awakening. She is passionate about sharing and coaching others on ways to integrate expanded states of consciousness, awareness and wisdom into this reality, into our human experience
Now a qualified Theta Healing Practitioner, Coach, practicing with resonance sound (gongs, tuning forks, singing bowls, drum) and deep trance meditation light therapy, Susan loves to share her gifts with All
She also works with sacred cacao and harmonic sounds to facilitate deep inner healing and transformative journeys
One of the biggest lessons on Susan’s journey has been that as Tantra shows us, life itself is the greatest teacher. She advocates the use of methods such as lucid dreaming to help us to be more present and awake in the dream of life
After many years of exploring consciousness and using these modalities to go on deep inner journeys seeking truth, transformation and healing, she continues to expand, grow and transform
She reminds us that the fabric of the Multiverse is Unconditional Love, our true nature. From this space we can all co-create the life of our dreams


Sarah is a Magickal Helper; she facilitates Life Purpose readings, is an Ayurvedic Therapist, Shakti Hatha Yoga Transmitter, and holds space for therapeutic (and fun!) sharing circles

Sarah studied Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States and has a passion for the Mind, Body and Spirit connection. After experiencing adrenal fatigue and anxiety, she took stock of her environment and realized she could make a change in her life that would prioritize her wellbeing, rather than her place in society. Sarah is a firm believer that small changes may spark great transformation

While living in the US, Sarah’s life looked ‘great on paper’, working as a Personal Lines Manager for an insurance brokerage, finishing her degree online, staying fit, maintaining family and social relationships, and taking weekend trips whenever possible. After a few years of this however, she felt the toll it was taking on her system. Sarah knew she was studying Complementary and Alternative Medicine because she wanted to change her career and step into a position that facilitated Joy rather than just financial income, so she made the decision to quit her job, allowing her body, mind and spirit time to heal and grow whilst traveling

Her experience travelling to many diverse countries has allowed Sarah deeper insight into ways to transform Collective patterns which are no longer serving, as well deepening her well of empathy with the Human condition

Sarah works alongside Silver Lotus with the facilitation of the smooth running of the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy, as well as sharing Activation of Life Purpose Sessions and holding Inner Child and Stress Reducing sharing circles. The knowledge she holds, in conjunction with her empathy and vision for The Collective make her a very valuable addition to the team here at the MLA and we are super grateful with her presence


Suzie is a Magickal Helper, Yoga Transmitter, Thai Massage Practitioner and Consciousness Explorer

For many years, Suzie was troubled by the extent of human suffering and was challenged with anxiety and depression. Truth came knocking on her door and she began to explore practices that challenged her mind, now she feels blessed to be in the position where she is able share some of her truth and knowledge with others

Suzie has trained in Traditional Hatha Yoga and practiced different styles of yoga with many great teachers over the past 8 years. She has also studied Shakti Tantra philosophy with Satya Shakti Yoga School, receiving transmissions in sacred practices and the esoteric Wisdom of the Goddess

She transmits these powerful yoga practices with pure Love and Light, and holds sacred space for transformation and Self-realisation

Through immersive journeys combining Pranayama, Asana, Sound, Massage and Reiki transmissions, Suzie enjoys guiding people into deep yogic relaxation where purification of the physical body, energetic body and mind can happen with LOVE, and the True Self can be realised

Suzie continues to metamorphose to her highest self and receive light on the inherent wisdom and powers we all have access to

Her vision is to shine light for others on their path, and to transmute pain and suffering into pure LOVE. She says that everything is Divine in essence, and we are all Creators with our own reality

LOVE always prevails! Many years of awakening, falling back into the illusion and awakening again, has led her to this Now – every time bringing her closer to the memory of her Soul purpose, every time closer to Home


Hannah is a Magickal Helper, Tantra Yogini, Massage Therapist and Intuitive

She holds Sacred Space for immersive journeys into Self-Realisation with Yoga and Sound Healing. She also offers Intuitive Ayurvedic Massage and Reiki. She is with knowledge of the Goddess and Tantric Mantras used to invoke Shakti power, Light, Love and Wisdom
She says that we shouldn’t just beLIEve it, but feel it through our own experience, bodies and emotions
Hannah has been travelling the world for the past 5 years exploring ancient cultures and now lives in India sharing practices. She loves to dance in flow state and connect to the ocean
She is honoured to aid in the rising of Humanity at this time. Sharing love, diving deep and vibrating higher into personal freedom and Unity Consciousness
We are very grateful to welcome Hannah’s brightly shining light to the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy


Satya is a Co-Founder of the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy

He is also a Magickal Helper, Yogi, Tantrik and Transmitter of Traditional Tantra, Yoga and Mantra with no changes right from Shiva

Heralding from the Brahmin tradition into the lineage of the personal Priests to Gura Dronacharya, in his early life Satya was a Civil Engineer with the United Nations NGO division, Christian Aid, and Humanitarian Aid working with Disaster management and constructing disaster resistant structures
A student of Vishnu Chatainya Satyanan Saraswati, Satya began transmitting Yoga as a child, and formally dedicated his life to Yoga in 2007 when he opened the Satya Shakti yoga school in Dharamshala. He is also the founder of an NGO working to support orphaned children in the Himalayan region
Satya has spent much of his life travelling and meeting various Rishis and Babas, living with the people of the Himalayas, understanding their needs and sharing the knowledge and wisdom of Shiva and Shakti which flows with him
Satya’s aim in this life is to make everyone aware of the God inside of them. He is proud of his lineage and grateful for all the people who he has met in his life and who have shaped him into the being he is today
He holds Neem Kiroli Baba, Baba Ji and Maha avatar Baba Ji and Sivananda all in very high regard
He also serves Lord Shiva and Shakti and is dedicated to sharing their message of living a happy, healthy lifestyle with the world. His passion is working to help people determine who they truly are and to become the best version of themselves in order to become truly happy


Ludmilla is a Magickal Helper, Broadcast Transmitter of Knowledge and Wisdom, Massage therapist and Yogi

Born in France, Ludmilla always knew she was ‘different’ and grew up wanting to be a pirate. Part of the early Goa ‘Hippy’ movement she has swathes of experi-ence to share underpinned by the awareness that we are One
As well as being a mother of two lovely children she adores, Ludmilla is a massage therapist specialising in rebalancing deep tissue massage, and a transmitter of Yoga. She enjoys creating and holding a space of trust and empathy for Beings to connect with their own joyful potential, supporting each other as we walk each other home
When asked to share with us how we are invited to treat another Being, her re-sponse is that “there is no other”. It is this transmission which she is most excited to share with the Magickal Life Community


Laxmi is a Magickal Helper / Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist having studied various forms of psychoanalysis including Gestalt-therapy, C.G Jung and W.Reich at the University of Rio de Janeiro

She was also accepted onto the graduate program at the Esalen Institute, the birthplace of Gestalt-therapy in the USA, and holds two other diplomas in Macrobiotics and Psychic Abilities from Brazilian institutions

Amongst other things, she is a Kundalini Transmitter / Specialist in Body-Mind language, Bio energetics and Self-Empowerment development  / Professional massage therapist / Breath Therapy transmitter / Bach Floral Remedies expert / Facilitator of Women’s empowerment workshops / Tarot Reader / Clairvoyant and former Psychic Advisor to the Prime Minister of Brazil

Throughout her International career transmitting across India, Europe, USA, Brazil and Nepal, she has also been blessed to receive direct transmissions from great Masters including H.H Amma, H.H Sai Baba, H.H Osho and H.H Dalai Lama

She has many years’ experience combining Eastern and Western technologies to facilitate major expansions of consciousness, and holds a multitude of tools in her toolbox with which to shine light on the path to personal self-realisation

She shares with us the knowledge that healing past traumas opens the door for transformation, growth and self-empowerment to achieve complete fulfilment in this lifetime, and is super excited to share her knowledge and wisdom with us all

We are very thankful to have Laxmi’s wealth of experience with us here at the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy!


George is a Magickal Helper / Holistic (massage) Therapist / Sound and crystal Healer / Consciousness explorer / Spiritual Coach / Sacred Medicine facilitator / Angelic Reiki practitioner / Tantric practitioner

George was born August,1987, on the Virgin Mary holiday in Athens, Greece. He is 4th wave Indigo, Galactic origin from 7D Mercury descended to 5D Lyra and landing here in 3D Earth

He was highly lingual at 11 months, though was thoroughly perplexed as telepa-thy was more customary to him than speech. Intuitive and connected to Source he would astound those around him, sharing deep wisdom and offering people accurate psychic readings

His spiritual path became overwhelming early on and so he asked that his gifts to be taken away. Gradually he assumed the ‘Muggle’ life. He became disconnected, though still guided

At age 26 it was mandatory to enlist into the Greek armed forces which lead to a near death experience. Whilst enlisted, he had a panic attack in the MRI scan which caused him to have an OBE (Out of body experience) and what is referred to as a “download”. Coming out he was diagnosed with a severe concussion and a serious back of neck injury. He was hospitalised for 10 days, heavily medicated, while wearing a neck brace. Realisation struck that he was given a second chance, and he re-evaluated his whole life. On the 11th day, he decided not to allow his injury to lead the way. Instead he decided to take the neck brace off, stop taking his medication and went to the beach

Floating on his back, deep in prayer and meditation without being fully aware of what he was doing,
he asked for the pain to be taken away. Another energy download came on, along with another OBE. However, this time, much more intense. When he re-gained consciousness, the pain was completely gone! He then realized that the body knows what to do to heal itself, and the challenge is simply to silence the mind. His empathic nature was then able to naturally lead him to become a heal-er

Since this time, George has worked on his own system, clearing old patterns and Hucha to ensure a clear channel for the transmission of Knowledge and Wisdom to flow

Through this he has acquired many healing tools and modalities, bringing knowledge from other realms and dimensions to assist, teach and serve humani-ty and Gaia

By studying the Universal Laws of attraction and abundance he became a suc-cessful
entrepreneur, and is a core believer of the mantra “sharing is caring.” Especially when it comes to time, Knowledge and Wisdom

George says that he feels a great joy, humility and honour to be a facilitator with healing, and he is super excited to share his gifts with us all at the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy


Josanna is a Magickal Helper, Biodanza Facilitator, Nurse, Photographer, English Teacher and avid Experiencer of Life

We are delighted to welcome Josana to The Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy as our official Biodanza Facilitator

Josanna discovered her passion for Biodanza in 2008 and has been studying, practicing and facilitating classes with children and adults since. She has danced with kids and adults in Holland, Australia, Greece, India and Nepal. 2017 was spent on sabbatical where she volunteered in Nepal and India, dancing with children in orphanages and remote school

The conceptual basis of Biodanza comes from a meditation about life, from the desire to be reborn out of our broken gestures, from our empty and sterile repression structure. Biodanza is a way to come into the Here and Now through dance!

In Sept 2019, Josana took the leap to quit her job and jump into the unknown. Her first stop was Peru and Ecuador for 3 months…then she followed her nose to India where she decided to join with us at The Academy. She is super excited to join us, share her wealth of life experience and connect with like-minded souls

We are delighted to welcome Josanna to the Collective and share the dance together!

Dr. Heike Bielek & Colin Power

Dr. Heike is the Head of the MLA Sacred Geometry Department, Co-Founder of  In2Infinity & Founder of The Da Vinci School

Colin Power is the Head of Magickmatics & Dimensionless Science at the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy and Co-Founder of In2infinty 

Dr Heike (originally from Germany) is a passionate transmitter of Sacred Geometry. Coming from a background in biosciences, she started travelling to India, where she learned about the geometric matrix of reality through Yoga in the form of mandalas and symbols. Getting in touch with the hidden philosophies embedded within them has shifted her perception of reality in such a profound way that she decided to dedicate her life to decoding, and providing trainings in this sacred art

Colin Power (heralding from the UK) is an audio engineer, musician, and metaphysician with over 22 years’ experience in Accelerated Learning methods using music and geometry. He has spent the last 10 years exploring the nature of geometry through compass construction to explore both physical and metaphysical concepts. These insights have deeply elevated his conscious experience of reality, giving him whole new perceptions of the current scientific paradigm.

Together, they set up the project In2Infinity in 2015, where they are currently developing a geometric theory of the Universe, which gives answers to some of the most intriguing and challenging scientific and mathematical concepts. This includes unconventional solutions to the Riemann and Continuum Hypothesis, a revival of the Aether from a 4D perspective, a geometric interpretation of the atom, the basis of chemistry and all biological life, and potential solutions to our energy crisis. Moreover, the nature of consciousness itself.

In 2022, they also set up an online school, called the Da Vinci School, which offers fun and creative learning experiences, suitable even for children. By drawing and building geometry, the Universe is approached in an interdisciplinary and fun way.

You can find Colin and Heike offering classes, workshops, retreats, and teacher trainings at our Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy Festivals and many other events across the globe!

Amit Mishra

We are thrilled to Welcome Amit Mishra Ji to the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy


Amit turned his life towards helping others after shedding his old career in management in 2013

He had always a curiosity to explore and know the body in every aspect if enquiry into how to heal – and his life force guided him increasingly towards the more balanced holistic methods of Yoga, Energy Work, Meditation and Self Enquiry, studying a further 200 and 300 hours of Yoga training in the Hatha, Ashtanga and Iyengar methods

His awareness in subtle energy expanded in 2018 when he met his Master Sri C Kailash and was initiated into the Pranic healing tradition. He became close to his Master and co-facilitated a large spinal manipulation and Pranic healing retreat with him at the Pranic Healing Foundation in South India in 2019. He then taught yoga practices specific to spinal health and offered advice and intensive adjustments for correct spinal alignment. Amit is now an experienced Pranic healer with use of Crystals

He has created and conducted his own Chakra Sadhana healing workshop series with groups and individuals and shared his knowledge and experience on teacher training programs in Goa – and at the Tantra Festival will be offering a beautiful Chakra Healing Session

Amit shares – ‘Somehow in my journey ” I ” become the instrument”

You may connect with Amit at FB here: https://www.facebook.com/CrossYogIndia?mibextid=ZbWKwL

Dr Yamuna

We are feeling very blessed to welcome the Multi-talented Dr Yamuna to the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy

Yamuna is an experienced E-RYT 500 qualified yoga instructor with 11 years of background tuition, training and practice as a UK doctor in hospital medicine with Radiology specialisation

For the last six years she has lived a nomadic life, travelling, teaching yoga, facilitating workshops, retreats, intensive immersions and teacher training programs around the globe, including Malta, New Zealand, Phuket, Bali, India

She has in depth understanding of the form and function of the human body and disease processes from her medical background which greatly supports her understanding and guidance in Yoga, meditation and breathwork as a holistic ways of healing and sustaining health and wellbeing

With nearly two decades of personal yoga practice – and more than 6 years teaching experience, Yamuna truly believes that Yoga, practiced in its totality is medicine for the Mind, Body and Soul

Yamuna integrates her experience in Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Restorative Yin, Iyengar, breathwork, kriya, meditation, somatics and trauma healing to deliver an intuitive practice that is relevant and appropriate to the students in front of her

Currently diving into bhakti, the devotional path of yoga, she is enjoying sharing the divine sound and connection through kirtan and devotional song, at the Festival Dr Yamuna will share with us her beautiful Yin Yoga Practice (and if we ask her very nicely, she may even sing us a song or two…)

You may Connect with Dr Yamuna on IG: yoga_with_yamuna

FB: https://m.facebook.com/193101906/


Website: fourseasonsyoga.org


Yogini Gopika

We are very Excited to Welcome Yogini Gopika to the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy


Yogini Gopika is a 500 hour e-RTYT Tantra Yoga Teacher, Goddess Embodiment Coach and the founder of ‘Yogini Shakti Tantra’. She offers initiation into the Priestess path by inspiring women to claim their erotic freedom, sovereign power and divine connection. Weaving together the modalities of Tantra, Yoga and Ayurveda with the mystical realm of Shakti, she extracts the essence from the ancient teachings in a way that is both pleasurable and liberating.

Gopika’s purpose is to transmit esoteric wisdom while restoring an intuitive way of life that honours Nature, the Self and all beings as sacred. She invites her students into a space of self-love by supporting them to get in touch with their own needs and desires, while giving them the tools to find peace and harmony at the soul level.   Currently, Gopika offers Tantra Yoga Teacher Trainings in both Bali and Goa

Gopika has been on the spiritual path for 20 years, most of them spent in the motherland of India. She has been fortunate to receive initiations and teachings directly from her Gurus, while immersed in the purifying power of India herself. What she shares is a natural outpouring of embodied knowledge cultivated through sadhana and yogic lifestyle. She is a lover, a writer, a devotee and above all else a human woman having an incredible experience as she dances between the realms of existence

You may check out Yogini Gopika’s excellent work & connect with her at:

Web: https://www.yoginishaktitantra.com

IG: https://www.instagram.com/yoginishaktitantra

Welcome Home Gopika! We are very grateful with Your Presence!

Ronyah Wild

We are Thrilled to Welcome the extremely fabulous Ronyah Wild to the MLA!

Ronyah Wild is an experienced Tantra Teacher, Holistic Therapist, IFS & NLP, Natural Medicine Practitioner and Performing Artist

After far too many years of living mainly from her hard shell of defences and victimhood (despite doing some spiritual practices), Ronyah all of a sudden came the realization of how unauthentic and tiring it was for her to live this way. She did a full 180 turn in life, and started exploring what it means to be authentic and REAL, the thing she so long resisted… Soon discovering how amazing it is!

Ronyah has travelled the world for over a decade performing, learning and exploring both new knowledge and herself as a person


She is Alive, Enthusiastic, deeply empathetic, and almost detective-like in her figuring out the causes of things within people, some of which we may not recognize at first in ourselves!

She has taught for 9 years, studied Dance, Tantra, Ayurveda, western herbalism, massage, taught at several Tantra festivals in Europe, Israel, Russia and India, to couples and singles, studied books, lectures and philosophies. She teachers The Tantric Arts, the use of dance in self-healing, Conscious Relating and S*xuality, Shadow Work, Healing and Releasing trauma, and shares knowledge & lectures on natural remedies for healing

You may connect with Ronyah at:


Instagram: @wildmedicinetantra

Welcome Home Ronyah!


We are very Excited to Welcome Alizah to the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy


Alizah is an Artist, Healer and Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Creator of Acting in Arambol, the Sirens International, bodyrxagency, and the A.Wear.Ness brand

Knowing that the body is our best medicine and has its own consciousness, she works to bring out the best in others through performing arts, fitness, yoga and different healing modalities that combine western and eastern techniques. Her work is dedicated to alignment of the body and mind, for illumination of the soul which is based on the same principles of Acting in Awareness

At the Festival, Alizah will offer us her wonderful unique session – Acting in Awareness – The Observance of the Authentic Self in given circumstances

Alizah shares that – with the practice of Tantra, we are able to give life to certain aspects of ourselves, relying on the life force within, amplifying it in ways that bring new levels of Awareness. It is an exploration of our own character in self action and response to others

You may connect with Alizah at:

IG & FB: @alizahonly

Welcome Alizah!

Mario Sun

We are Delighted to Welcome Mario to the MLA!

Mario Sun is a Bhakti music artist sharing healing meditation music through his ’Medicine Song Journey – a therapeutic session directed towards reconnecting with the heart and find healing LOVE that is already there waiting 🙏

Mario begins the sessions with light movements to get out of the head and into the body. We then come into a sitting posture to collect ourselves, settle down and get ready to open our hearts. With deep breaths, we gently move into shavasana the main part of our journey together. With mind still, body relaxed and heart open, you are now ready to receive the medicine songs

The ancient mantras and music move strongly through our Being to explode emotional blocks and release what doesn’t serve you anymore

Based in Goa, Mario travels across the country to yoga retreats,  courses and meditation gardens to share his experience of devotional music and and healing vibes in a range of sessions like Song Meditation Journey, Bhakti Kirtan, Chai and Chants, Singing Circle and Bonfire Sufi jams

You can check out Mario’s excellent work & Connect with him here:

IG: @mario_suunnn

Julie Pepper

Welcome to the MLA to the Awesome Julie Pepper!


Julie is a Personal Empowerment Coach who invites You to feel lighter & younger through a connection to your body system…

Her dynamic FUN-ctional movements & unique “boxing for play” connects you to your physical strength & helps release trauma from the body

For more than 10yrs Julie’s been traveling around India, Nepal, UK &, Oz inspiring her clients to get some “pep in their step”

It is her purpose on this planet..

At almost 50 Julie doesn’t look or feel her age –

She puts it down to keeping physically fit & releasing emotions through her unique movement & play

To knowing that being physically fit goes beyond the physical and that energy is ageless…

Julie is offering 1:1 coaching sessions in Arambol – & group classes on request

See Julie’s vibe & Connect with her at:

Ig: Pepinyourstep_pt

Or send her a WA on +91 75170 34556

Dr Sierra L. Levy

Welcome Dr Sierra to the MLA!

Dr. Sierra L. Levy – a Mystic and Lightworker for over 30 years – delivers from the heart and the Light
Dr. Levy is a Master Teacher, Master Healer, licensed Naturopath, Acupuncturist, and Midwife that skillfully blends the mystical with modern knowledge and has taught Tantra, heart-healing, enlightenment, kundalini, bliss, oneness, and orgasmic states to people globally
They passionately look forward to sheading light-Prakasha-on nurturing and sharing divine Heart, Tantra, Wisdom, Compassion and Love They offer Love (Prem) to the world

Dr. Levy also developed and teaches a trademarked meta-healing-Arts and Enlightenment System, since 2003, called Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® (watch out for the upcoming healing book!)

More can be found out by visiting:

www.ResonanceTherapy.com https://www.instagram.com/sierra_l_levy , https://www.facebook.com/sierra.levy.71 , and

Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php? id=100064315854645

Welcome Dr Sierra L. Levy – we LOVE YOU!


We are excited to WELCOME to the MLA the Legendary Samarth!

Samarth is a facilitator of Tantra Meditation, Workshops & Cacao Ceremonies – where he holds space for emotional healing through sharing and receiving unconditional Love!!
Connecting to our heart, connecting with other people through the heart; Healing intimacy traumas, and exploring intimacy with Your Own Self and others in a beautiful, Safe Space of Love!
You may Connect with Samarth & his excellent work at:
IG: @tantrahousecommunity


We are very excited to Welcome Home the wonderful Ana to The MLA!

Ana says that when you find yourself in a state of imbalance, it is coming back to simplicity which allows you to find balance once again. This is the essence of what Ana shares and the foundation of her Life
Through her unique combination of Yoga Asana, Pranayama, QiGong, intuitive movement and mantra, Ana guides you through your own practice, creating space for you to breathe in your own body, and move in your own way to bring all the energies into balance
Love (Prem) to the world

Ana’s True Passion is to share Dharma in a way that each individual can integrate into their lives, giving them the practical tools to live a more Truthful and Joyful Life

Ana’s Yoga journey began in 2016 after a near death experience in New Zealand. This was the spark of change that lead her to experience her first yoga class. Since then, she has been traveling and experiencing different teachings in Australia, India and the UK, diving deep into Hatha, Womb Wisdom, Pranayama, meditation, Qi-Gong, nature, life and love.” This an be cut out if you don’t have space

Her down to earth, real-life application makes anything seem possible. Her nature is intuitive, creative, joyful and she will ensure you receive exactly what you need. The unachievable, is achievable. You just have to Trust!

For more information and to connect with Ana – where she is also available to work with you 1:1 online – Kindly visit her website:


Or send her a WhatsApp: +447940074913

Sudevi Victoria

Sudevi Victoria is a Tantra facilitator, Cosmic Energy Healer, Psychologist and Channel

For more than 10 years she has travelled the world exploring different energy practices, The Dao & Tantra Meditation with different Masters, as well as becoming a professional Psychologist
From her first Tantra class, Victoria experienced a spark of LOVE in her heart & knew it was the path for her life
She felt how Shiva and Shakti guided her from the first lesson, how the energy and blessed her, and now she communicate not only with them but with different Gods, Chanelling with different Angels and Civilizations

Tantra for Victoria is Transformation through Love and the Opening of The Heart –  and the ability to invite Energy to work with us and to Heal Ourselves

She invites us to see beauty in our Partner, and Ourselves as that of God 🙏

You may connect with Victoria via IG: @sudevi_vijaya_tantra


Welcome Home Nicky to the MLA!

Nicky is a Yoga Master with more than 500hrs of teacher training completed with Yoga Alliance – and thousands of students around the globe who she has taught with LOVE, Kindness, Compassion & Trust
Nicky is currently busy offering retreats in India & Ibiza, where she shares her unique style of Dynamic Chakra based Yoga Flow – where we will focus on our inner world, before aligning with the outer in order to invite the Chakras to Align, Activate, Soften, Attune, Illuminate and finally to Awaken the Divine Presence which resides within All of Us!
You can check out Nicky’s work & Connect with her here:
FB: Chakra Yoga with Nicky
IG: chakra_yoga with Nicky
Or via wa: +447974131375

Nikka Gribanovsky

Welcome to the MLA Nikka!

Nikka Gribanovsky is a Pleasure Coach who specializes in guiding the feminine towards rebuilding bodily safety to allow women to deepen their connection to their own pleasure
She is a certified Tantric Yoga Instructor, has undergone 6 months of trauma informed coaching & somatic healing training with therapist Nikki Heyder, and is currently studying with Dr. Isabela Bottura to become a health informed sex expert
Nikka utilizes a combination of trauma-informed tantric therapy and feminine embodimemt, somatic healing practices to re-instill safety in the bodies of feminine beings, liberate them from societal conditioning, & guide them toward embodying their sexual radiance
You can check out Nikkas excellent work & Connect with her here:
IG: @pleasurefairy18


We are extremely excited and grateful to welcome the legendary ALESIANA RA to the Magickal Life Academy!

Alesiana is a modern-day Mystic, Yogini, Healer, Filmmaker & Activist, that loves merging the “unmergable” – so we can unlock the hidden potential in the crevices of our beautiful hearts

In her offerings, retreats & private sessions she is merging Kundalini Yoga, Hypnotherapy, Meditation, Sublime Music, Poetry, Dance, Tantra & ‘Invitation to courageously step into your Unique Dharmic Path Now…’ it’s called ‘Shakti Yoga’

After 15 years of practicing different forms of yoga, 7 years – dancing ballet, 5 years – professional acting (House of Cards, Billions, Girls, Iron Fist to name a few TV Shows), 4 years – directing in USA (VR Film “Come Into Me” about sex trafficking in New York that has premiered at Berlinale Film Festival in 2019) & last 4 years – teaching & leading healing retreats all over the world… Still the most precious joy for her is to activate & celebrate the blossoming of our Life force – Shakti



Alesiana shares that to witness someone‘s heart softening, mind opening, body relaxing & special joyful glow shining in someone’s eyes – THIS is what SHE LIVES FOR


We are invited to join Alesiana in this portal of Deep Connection to the Source within US ALL!


You may connect with Alesiana via IG: @alesiana.ra

And get to know about her offerings at her website: www.godsatplay.com/course1


Welcome Alesiana Ra! We are very excited to have you onboard with us!

Aleksandra the Tea Fairy

Wishing a VERY WARM Welcome to the Magickal Life Academy – Aleksandra The Tea Fairy!

Aleksandra is a Chinese Tea Ceremony Master, Massage Therapist and Numerology expert – She offers Love, and Deep and Sensitive Connection to her Tea Ceremony Guests & other friends who – and the gift of the powerful transformative spirit of the various Chinese Teas which she invites us to experience as powerful transformative tools during our journey of expansion!

Thank You SO MUCH for joining us lovely Aleksandra! We are excited to enjoy your very special tea and beautiful Heart-Open Presence!

You may connect with Aleksandra via IG: _saneisha

Sri Vijay Anand

We are blessed to welcome Home to the Magickal Life Academy Sri Vijay Anand!

Sri Vijay Anand is a living example of the power of Yogic and Tantric Wisdom. Hailing from India, he has journeyed across the UK, Europe, and back to India, sharing his profound knowledge and experience to transform lives

He is the founder of the Shivoham Institute and has been training aspiring Yogis to live their best lives in India and the UK for many years

He is an Indian-born Yogi, deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of Yoga and Tantra. With a wealth of wisdom and a passion for helping others, he’s dedicated his life to guiding seekers toward physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Your Path to Wellness and Transformation – whether you’re seeking to enhance your physical health, find mental clarity, or overcome emotional challenges, Sri Vijay Anand is open and ready to assist you on your journey 

His teachings are a beacon of light for those looking to bring positive change into their lives and to discover their True Self!

To connect with and explore Sri Vijay Anands transformative courses and events – kindly visit here:

www.shivohaminstitute.com www.shivohaminstitute.org

Sri Vijay Anand invites us to – ‘Embrace the opportunity to transform your life, find balance, and unlock your inner potential! Your journey to well-being and self-discovery begins here!’

Welcome Home Love – we are very grateful with all the work you have been doing shining light for us all for so long – Thank You!


Welcome Home to the Magickal Life Academy – Tasneem!

Tasneem is a Tantra practitioner whose offerings combine her training in Sacred Sexuality with knowledge of Tantric scriptures from the Trika tradition of Kashmir

She is passionate about experiencing and sharing how the subtle energies in our body can be channelized to connect with the Divine. The energy body, also known as the Sukhshma Shareer, is a portal to Cosmic Consciousness that can be accessed by de-armouring the primal wisdom of our physical body

Her workshops & healing sessions provide a safe space to bring our primal nature out of the shadow into the Light, and open the heart to its infinite potential, so that Primordial Life Force Energy (Kundalini Shakti) can fuel us toward ultimate Bliss (Ananda)

Tasneem is an advanced certified Tantra educator from Charles Muir’s Source School of Tantra Yoga (California), with 8+ years of practice. She has also studied Feminine Arts Mastery with renowned author Regena Thomashauser (New York), BDSM with author Om Rupani (New York), Daoist healing techniques with master Mantak Chia (Chiang Mai), Himalayan Kundalini practices in Rishikesh, and Kashmir Shivaism from the lineages of Baba Mooktananda and Swami Laxman Joo (India)

Originally from India and having reconnected with the roots of Tantra, Tasneem now guides others who wish to explore the realm of Sacred Sexuality, feel empowered in the Body, cultivate a healthy relationship with their own energy, and bring Mindfulness to Connection with those who we perceive as ‘Others’

Tasneem authentically embodies and lives her Truth every day – and we are extremely blessed and excited to have her with us on the Magickal Life Crew! We LOVE YOU Tasneem!

You may connect with Tasneem via IG: _the_travelling_tantrika_



We are super excited to welcome the Force of Nature who is Vishnudev to the MLA! Vishnudev is joining us in his capacity as Asana Instructor – ensuring that we are all as flexible in both body as mind as we can be for the beautiful task at hand!
Vishnudev started his Yoga journey in the foothills of Himalayas learning Vedanta and Yoga philosophy from the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh – he then spent some time residing in different ashrams Realising and Cultivating his own Sadhana. He has trained in various different Yoga styles on numerous Teacher Trainings, and offers his students a beautiful amalgamation of his combined learning and experience – which he mixes with his overflowing love and shares with full openness and majestic beauty


He is a Seeker who enjoys a deep connection with the elements and all of nature – and who channels his knowledge with passion and love – and we are extremely blessed to welcome him Home to join our MLA Team
You may connect with Vishnudev at: IG – @vishnudev_vyogi


We are extremely grateful & excited to welcome Anna to the MLA as our new Magickal Support Angel!

Anna’s life transformed from corporate computer security specialist to Supermum, Ski Instructor, Dancer, Travelling Tango Teacher & Tantrika after an intimate experience with the organisation known as Rosa Mira opened her awareness to the potential that everything is possible!

Anna loves sharing the knowledge she has gained from a diversely experiential experience of life – and taking care of her family, friends and community in the process.

We are joyful to welcome Anna to the MLA family – and excited to experience her Tango trainings very soon!

You may connect with Anna via IG: annavideo3a


Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy,  Arambol

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